Jewish Sussex :: Brighton  West Pier, East Sussex and Star of David
Brighton West Pier, East Sussex Community website for all Jews in

Eastbourne Progressive - Liberal

The Eastbourne Progressive Jewish Congregation (Beit Chaverim) was founded in October 2001. We are a small congregation working under the auspices of Union of Liberal and Progressive Synagogues, using the prayer book "Service of the Heart".

Services are held on the second and fourth Friday of the month at The Friends Meeting House,Wish Road, Eastbourne, commencing promptly at 7.30pm.

All will be guaranteed a warm welcome!

Cheder (Jointly with Eastbourne Hebrew Congregation)
Saturdays 10am, Thursdays 4.30pm,
22 Susans Road, Eastbourne

Regular Social & Cultural Functions
Small Choir meeting regularly for practice
Welfare Services
Burial Site & Funeral Scheme

Chairman: Andrew Jay
Vice-Chairman: Paul Denham
Secretary/Administrator: Angela Jay
Treasurer: Faith Barrett

39 Mountbatten Drive
Langney Point
East Sussex
BN23 6AX

Phone: 01323 725650 (Angela Jay)
Mobile: 07733 077884 (Angela Jay)
Fax: 01323 417645
Email: (contact form)

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