Jewish Events in Sussex
For all regular events, please see this month's diary.
:: event submitted on
Friday, 6 January 2006 |
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UK Jewish Film Festival These are the final dates and times for the UK JFF Films on Tour to Brighton: We have encountered problems with the Duke of York's Picturehouse and have had to make numerous date changes and finally we regret that we will not be able to screen Metallic Blues as they could not offer us a time for this film. Please check your UK JFF Film Tour Flyer for the full synopsis of each film. We look forward to seeing you all.
UK JEWISH FILM FESTIVAL ON TOUR IN BRIGHTON, 2006. At the Duke of York's Cinema, Preston Circus, Brighton. Please contact the Cinema Box Office to pre-purchase tickets: 08707 551228.
12.00 noon Sunday 22nd January WATERMARKS, Dir. Yaron Zilberman, France/Israel/USA 2004. 77 mins. A multi Award Winning Documentary. + short film The Future is Behind You, Dir. Abigail Child, USA 2004. 21 mins . 2.00 pm Sunday 29th January THE SOULKEEPER: THE TRUE STORY OF SABINA SPIELREIN, Dir. Roberto Faenza. Italy/France/UK. 90 Mins. Followed by a discussion and Q. & A. with Cathy Kaplinsky, Jungian Analyst. The discussion will be held as a separate event at Circus Circus
Saturday 4th February 6.15 pm for 6.30 pm You are warmly invited to join us at the Duke of York's Picturehouse for a glass of wine before this film. TURN LEFT AT THE END OF THE WORLD, Dir. Avi Nesher, Israel/France 2004. 108 mins. +short film The Holocaust Tourist: Whatever Happened to Never Again ? Dir. Jes Benstock, UK, 2005. 10 mins. Winner of the UK JFF Short Film Fund 2005.
Special Event for Schools and Colleges: 9.30 a.m. - 12.00 noon Friday 27th January UK HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL DAY 2006: ONE PERSON CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE HIDING FROM HITLER, Dir. Sue Read, UK, 2005. 50 mins. The Director Sue Read will introduce her film and there will be a talk by a Holocaust survivor who features in the film. This is a free educational event designed for school and college students aged 14 +. Sponsored by the AJR. For tickets please Email c.moshenska@sussex.ac.uk or Virginia.bilcliff@brighton-hove.gov.uk
PLEASE NOTE ALTERNATIVE VENUE FOR THE FOLLOWING FILM: 6.45 p.m. Sunday 29th January at the Red Roaster Cafe at the bottom of St. James's Street, Kemp Town, Brighton. KEEP NOT SILENT, Dir. Ilil Alexander, Israel, 2004. 52 mins. The screening will be followed by a discussion and Q. & A. with Naomi Alderman, author of 'Disobedience' and Rabbi Eli Tikvah Sarah of the Brighton and Hove Progressive Synagogue. £6.00, £4.50 concs. Age 16 and over. Tickets can be purchased on arrival.
Week of events to remember the Holocaust
:: event submitted on
Friday, 6 January 2006 |
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A week-long programme of events in Brighton & Hove is being organised round the national Holocaust Memorial Day in January.
Holocaust Memorial Day is on 27 January and the theme for 2006 is "One person can make a difference." In Brighton & Hove the organisers, including the city council and Sussex and Brighton Universities, are staging Holocaust Awareness Week.
Events confirmed so far are: Monday 23rd January 2006 – Hove Town Hall, 7pm Film screening of Hotel Rwanda with introduction by Rabbi Meyer, who has been instrumental in a connection between the Brussels Jewry and Rwandan refugees
Tuesday 24 January – Jubilee Library, 7pm, £5 Silent Witnesses – The Holocaust Remembered This special commemorative event looks back at the legacy of the Holocaust through poetry and prose, read by some of our leading actors and actresses. Part of international Holocaust Week. Line-up to be confirmed.
Tuesday 24 and Thursday 26 January - Whitehawk Primary School, 4.30-6pm, £1.50 (50p children) The school's restored air-raid shelter is opened up to the public. Includes a display of children's artwork about the Holocaust.
Wednesday 25 January - University of Sussex, 2-5pm Annual Holocaust Memorial event this year looking at the national theme ‘ One person can make a difference’ with a talk from a Holocaust survivor.
Thurs 26 January – Jubilee Library, 7pm, £5 Sue Vice - Holocaust Testaments In the second of two events commemorating Holocaust Week, Sue Vice – author of Holocaust Fiction: From William Styron to Binjamin Wilkomirski and Children Writing the Holocaust – surveys the fictional, critical and theoretical landscape of some of the most powerful and controversial Holocaust literature of our time.
Friday 27 January – Duke of York’s cinema Schools Workshop Film screening of ‘Hiding From Hitler’ Over 1.5 million children perished in the Holocaust, but unbelievably, a few thousand children survived in hiding. This is their story, followed by a question and answer session with the Director ,Sue Read, and a Holocaust Survivor, Schools groups only, by ticket
Saturday 28 January Brighton and Sussex Medical Centre, University of Sussex, Falmer, 9.30am - 12.30pm, free entrance Morning workshop – ‘Trauma and Memory in the twentieth century’. Speakers include Lyn Smith author of 'Forgotten voices of the Holocaust' - based on 25 years of interviewing Holocaust survivors for the archive at the Imperial War Museum - and Graham Dawson of the University of Brighton who will speak on 'Making Peace with the Past? Trauma, Memory and Conflict Resolution in the Irish Troubles.'
23-28 January Jubilee Library, free Holocaust Exhibition, including information on the Jewish community, the LGBT community and refugees and asylum-seekers.
One Voice Movement
:: event submitted on
Monday, 7 November 2005 |
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Tuesday 8 November 2005 |
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6 pm |
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Russell Building, University of Sussex |
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Sussex & Brighton jsocs, in association with sussex islamic society are proud to host a very special event. 2 youth activists, one israeli, one palestinian will be coming to our campus with the 'one voice' peace group. They hope to share a message of a hopeful future with student activists around the world. Please join us and become part of the solution to the problems in the middle east. more information about the group is contained below. Whatever your beliefs about the middle east, please come along and give our guests the courtesy of hearing 2 opinions as to how we can find a peaceful future.
Time and again campuses are filled with literature and speakers on the Middle East conflict. Pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian professors going head to head on who’s history is truthful, parents of children killed through terror or occupation denouncing the ‘other side’. We’ve heard from the people with the agendas, but what do average Israelis and average Palestinians think? Do they want peace? Are they able to compromise? OneVoice, in partnership with Americans for Informed Democracy and a host of local, national and international student and professional bodies are coming to answer these questions for you.
The OneVoice Movement is a mass grassroots movement in the Middle East that empowers voices of moderation to stand up against extremism and to make themselves heard. The vast majority of Israelis and Palestinians want peace and are prepared to compromise for it and now they are asking for your help.
Senior palestinian and israeli youth activists will be speaking on campus next week, trying to galvanize support for their work in the Middle East and giving British students the opportunity to be part of the solution, rather than part of the problem.
:: event submitted on
Friday, 14 October 2005 |
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Brighton Festival of World Sacred Music is a wonderful celebration of music from different faith traditions across the globe. It takes place 19-23 October 2005 and features a number of Jewish musicians including:
The Burning Bush (Saturday 22 October, 7.30pm. St George's Church, Kemp Town) Lou Beckerman (Thursday 20 October, 7.30 pm, St Nicholas Church, Dyke Road, Brighton Rohan Kriwaczek (Friday 21 October, 7.30 pm, St George's Church, Kemp Town)
You can find more details about all these events at
:: event submitted on
Thursday, 19 May 2005 |
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BHPS Secretary 01273 737223 |
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6 Lansdowne Road, Hove |
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10/6/5 Chana Moshenska Diaspora cultures in eastern Europe - Germans and Jews NO CHARGE.SERVICE STARTS AT 8, ONEG STARTS AT 8.45.* PLEASE BRING CAKE TO SHARE. By the early twentieth century German and Jewish communities spread across central and eastern Europe, living side by side. How did these communities develop and interact? Why do we know so little about the German diaspora? Chana teaches History and Cultural Studies at the University of Sussex, and also does outreach work in schools and colleges on the Holocaust and refugee issues.
8/7/5 Doris Levinson ‘Musings’NO CHARGE.SERVICE STARTS AT 8, ONEG STARTS AT 8.45.* PLEASE BRING CAKE TO SHARE. Doris has been editor of the Sussex Jewish News for over 11 years and is now Chair of the Brighton & Hove Jewish Representative Council so she ‘knows a little bit of what goes on in the local community!’
12/8/5 Sara Samson Inclusion and Arts ManagementNO CHARGE.SERVICE STARTS AT 8, ONEG STARTS AT 8.45.* PLEASE BRING CAKE TO SHARE. Sara is experienced in setting up arts’ projects, especially ones which foster inclusion. She can give you a good idea of what’s ‘out there’ and how arts can be socially aware.
21/8/5 Adam Godley Everything you ever wanted to know about the business of acting but were afraid to askChaired by:Stan BakerNO CHARGE.STARTS AT 3.* PLEASE BRING CAKE TO SHARE. An actor for over 30 years, Adam has appeared in The West End, at The National Theatre and The RSC. He has appeared in numerous television productions and his recent films include ‘Love Actually’, the soon to be released ‘Nanny McPhee’ with Emma Thompson and Colin Firth, and Tim Burton's ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ with Johnny Depp. Adam promises to try and answer anything you would care to ask about acting and show-business - from how he learns his lines, to what happened when he witnessed Hyacinth Bucket meet the Queen Mother backstage after a performance of ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’.
9/9/5 Paul Oestreicher Religion: blessing or curse? My own journeyNO CHARGE.SERVICE STARTS AT 8, ONEG STARTS AT 8.45.* PLEASE BRING CAKE TO SHARE. At the age of 7, Paul fled with his refugee parents from Germany to New Zealand. He studied politics and theology in NZ, Germany and the UK. He was a BBC producer in the 60s, then East Europe Secretary of the British Council of Churches. Is a former chairman of Amnesty International UK, and Vice President of CND. Until retirement, he was Director of the Centre for International Reconciliation at Coventry Cathedral. Is an Anglican Priest and Quaker (and the Quaker chaplain at the University of Sussex). 14/10/5 Date and talk details TBC 11/11/5 Date and talk details TBC
9/12/5 Rabbi Elizabeth Tikvah Sarah Together with:Reverend Cynthia Parks MAKING A DIFFERENCE - The Reverend Cynthia Parks of Dorset Gardens Methodist Church and Rabbi Elizabeth Tikvah Sarah of Brighton & Hove Progressive Synagogue in conversation about being women in ministry, the difference gender makes, and the ways they are each making a difference to their communities.
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